MT. VERNON – The Jefferson County Historical Society will hold a Christmas Model Train and Nativity Set Exhibit in the Schweinfurth Museum at the Historical Village.

It will be held Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m.
If you can’t make it this weekend, you’ll have another chance on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 15 from 1 to 4 p.m.
The model train exhibit will have running train sets with different gauges and village settings. Additional historical model trains will be on display. Some of the nativity scenes date back to the 1940’s while others are more contemporary. The featured sets were collected from around the world. This year dollhouses have been added and decorated for the holidays. Experience this Christmas tradition and view these exhibits for a special holiday activity for the whole family.
The Village is festively decorated for Christmas, and there are plenty of spots to capture family photos. Cookies and drinks will be served.
“There is something magical about watching children viewing the model trains traveling through a snow, covered village. Children and adults alike are intrigued at the sight. The nativity scene displays provide the opportunity for the owners to share their collections. There are new trains and nativity sets this year. Dollhouses all decked out for the holidays add to the festivities. JCHS members have put in countless hours getting ready for this event and can’t wait to greet guests,” said Dana Uhls, JCHS Community Relations Specialist.
Sponsors are Dr. Daniel & Linda Hoffman. The co-sponsor is Mt. Vernon Christian Outreach and Brehm Oil, Inc.
This experience is free of charge. Donations are appreciated.
For more information call the Historical Society at 246-0033.