MARION – The Williamson County Sheriff’s Office cited a man for Aggravated Fleeing or Attempting to Elude a Peace Officer and Failure to Reduce Speed to Avoid an Accident among other offenses following a chase with law enforcement around 9:40 Saturday night.
Deputies saw a black Chevy Tahoe with a red stripe traveling east on Shed Church Road. The Tahoe fled from a Marion Police traffic stop minutes earlier.

Deputies tried to stop the Tahoe Wesley J. Bloodworth was driving, but he fled traveling into a farm field in an attempt to escape. The Tahoe came to rest in a 10’ deep drainage ravine. He was taken into custody without further incident.

Bloodworth was also cited for Driving While License Suspended, No Valid Driver’s License, Speeding, Disobeying a Stop Sign and Operating an Uninsured Motor Vehicle.
Bloodworth was taken to and lodged in the Williamson County Jail.